5 Shockingly Simple Ways to Injury-proof Your Body

You might think that you need to pay a professional to test the health and function of your joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments.But actually there's 5x super simple exercises that you can do in the comfort of your home to self-assess the health and balance of your body:.These are: Body scan Eye differentiation exercise Foot, ankle, knee and hip synchronisation test Hip disassociation test Ankle mobility assessment Doing these 5x simple exercises will help you to be more proactive in ...

A Novel Solution For Better Movement & Balance

Or at least it was to one class member who asked me for help with improving her balance on her left leg. This member was frustrated about her ability to balance after an ice skating fall where she fractured her left elbow. Before the fall she'd had no issues with 1 leg balance at all, but now she felt her balance standing on her left leg was "poor". I tested her balance on both her right and left leg in a few different ways, and noticed something very interesting. You might be thinking, where's ...

The Benefits of Small Movements for Pain Relief

One of my class members was chatting to me about my Stretch class, and he said "your class is extraordinary! The movements are so small it's like watching pain dry".Just as I was wondering what he was getting at, he then went on to say "But afterwards how you feel. Everything you teach about the body is true. It's really very special!".You might be thinking *YAWN* Small movements, BORING What can small movements possibly do for you, especially if you're used to driving your body with a "No ...

Why It's So Difficult To Get Pain Treated

If you've ever been injured, how easy was it for you to get out of pain and back to being active? Many of the members who start coming to my mind-body classes because of injury or chronic pain have been hurting for many weeks, months or even years! A 2024 online paper (1) is the first to offer clinicians practical advice on treating patients with chronic pain that's not just a set of clinical guidelines or a systematic review of other research studies. It's suggested that this paper is a ...

A Natural Painkiller We All Have

When you think of ways to manage pain the most obvious ones are probably physiotherapy, massage, steroid injections, surgery, orthotics, support braces or the latest fad on social media.But what about using your own body to reduce pain?You have 24/7 access to your body,.so why not?!?Then you too can get incredible results like these class members: Stand for 2 hours at a music concert without knee, hip or back pain (this member is in her 70's).  Walk, stand and queue all day every day on a ...

Think Bigger To Get Over Pain & Injury

Limited thinking leads to limited results.Many members end up in my classes because they've been struggling to get over a persistent pain or recurring injury.A big reason I see for this happening is trying to fix just the body part that's hurting or targeting a single muscle, say tight hamstrings or weak glutes.It's not your fault. We're conditioned from childhood that when we have a problem we look for a solution or cure.But it's this mindset that keeps you injured and in pain.To get over pain ...

Should You Change Your Body - Y/N?

I often get asked by class members how can they change their body or movement to find relief from pain or recover quicker from an injury.In every case my answer is based on talking to the person, understanding why they desire change, where they are right now and where they hope to get to. My reply may surprise them!I also believe that it's vital to remember how resilient and endlessly adaptable the human body is. Have you heard of The Serenity Prayer?God grant me the serenity to accept the ...

The Number 1 Myth About Reducing Pain

The most common advice I see being given to reduce pain is that you need to make your core stronger. That pain is somehow related to having a weak core, and to make the pain go away your core has to be stronger, which invariably leads to you bracing your core. It's well known that stiffness leads to loss of function, less activity and more pain. Bracing your core makes your body stiffer (that's kind of the point of bracing!)... So how's bracing your core more going to reduce your ...

2 Little Known Triggers for Pain

Pain can be triggered by many factors. Some of the better known physical causes include: Injury - acute or repetitive stress Accident or traumatic incident Sedentary lifestyle Your job / occupation But there's 2 other triggers for pain that are less well known: Nervous system Immune system These are often involved in non-specific back pain, chronic pain, persistent muscle tension, migraines, autoimmunity, and conditions like fibromyalgia or polymyalgia. Physical therapy, such as ...

What You Need To Know About Spinal Manipulation

Spinal Manipulation Therapy (SMT) is widely used by physiotherapists, osteopaths and chiropractors to treat non-specific back pain. Perhaps you, or someone you know, has experienced SMT? You might think that locating and manipulating or mobilising the painful or dysfunctional spinal segment is going to be more effective in relieving pain and restoring mobility than a non-targeted treatment.....but is it really? In fact, a growing body of research evidence is showing that there's NO difference ...


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