A new research study published in May 2024 found a startling link between ankle mobility and the risk of chronic pain conditions developing in the hips, knees and lower spine.70 healthy adults (63 men, 7 women) with an average age of 29 years were recruited to take part.The researchers found that reduced dorsiflexion of the ankle joint during walking fundamentally altered how the study participants moved their knees, hips and pelvis, leading to impaired balance, chronic ankle instability ...
Chronic pain is a frustrating condition for both medical practitioners and patients. It can flare and subside like a rollercoaster, and no single treatment can be relied on to provide relief all of the time for everyone You may have heard that chronic pain is a product of the nervous system and how the brain interprets signals from the body as pain, even if they aren't. This is true, but may not tell the whole story. A fascinating recent study opens the possibility of chronic pain being ...
It really is never too late to change how your body moves and feels. This is Emma's amazing story. Emma approached me in the summer for help with a knee that was still bothering her after a fall 20 years ago. Even though the original injury had healed, her knee remained painful, weak and prone to giving way randomly. When we spoke, Emma was having monthly physiotherapy and acupuncture, but the improvements after each treatment just wouldn't stick and she was feeling very frustrated at the lack ...
I love surprising and delighting my 1:1 clients with how quickly they can reset their body and mindset, even if they've been struggling for months with chronic pain and seen other health professionals.This week I've helped 2 clients make transformational breakthroughs in just 1 or 2 coaching sessions, even after struggling with pain for years and being treated by other health practitioners. None of their amazing changes have required manipulations, painful stretches or fancy equipment.The ...
When I'm talking to someone about a chronic pain or injury, one question I ask is whether they've ever hit their head or fallen. Not many people would associate a blow to the head as a risk factor for injury, but a 2023 review found that a prior concussion increased the risk of ankle sprain or knee ACL injury by 1.5 times (study link at the bottom of this article). Changes to posture, balance and biomechanics were found to persist for 2 years after the initial concussion, making a ...
Many people (including me!) feel stiff and achey when we first get up. Then you start moving and feel better.You probably think it's a normal part of ageing - the good news is it's NOT!!!That morning achiness and stiffness is actually a sign of Sensory-Motor Amnesia (SMA), which you CAN do something about.Our bodies are constantly responding to whatever we're experiencing, Sometimes muscles become stuck in a state of chronic tension, where they remain in continuous ...
42% of people living with chronic pain say they have back pain, according to a 2017 health survey by Versus Arthritis.Why is chronic back pain so hard to resolve, despite a myriad of different treatments being available? Could it because the spine is NOT the primary source of the pain?Let's look at the bigger picture.... Muscles attach to bones Muscles move bones The brain and nervous system control muscles The 2 most common sites for lower back pain and disc herniation are L4/L5 (bottom ...
Physical activity is now accepted as beneficial for reducing chronic pain, but what's the best exercise for back pain? Doctors and physiotherapists often recommend Pilates, Yoga or core strengthening exercises, so surely these are going to be the most effective. You may be surprised that research studies say NO, there isn't any 1 exercise that's superior!! Despite all the evidence saying otherwise, people still perceive specific exercises for the core as more beneficial for back pain than ...
There are some common things that a lot of people do which are actually making their pain worse. Worrylingly, they're often advised to do them by health and fitness professionals.No wonder over a third of adults are living with chronic pain in the UK (Health survey for England 2017).Here are 5 ways that you may be unintentionally making your pain worse, so you can stop doing them: Static stretching Taking NSAID's (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) eg. Ibuprofen, Naproxen Steroid ...
The human body is simply amazing - endlessly adaptable and resilient with extraordinary powers of healing. And yet medical professionals will tell you that your body "can't do this" or "you should stop doing that". If treatments like physiotherapy, osteopath or chiropractor haven't delivered the results you were hoping, you can be forgiven for doubting this bold statement. So this week I'd like to share my wonderful client Sam's journey from surgery on both knees to returning to teaching ...