Sound Healing - Factual or Fanciful?

The History of Sound Healing Through The Ages The use of sound to heal disease has been documented since time immemorial in ancient Indian, Chinese and Greek texts. The Ancient Greeks believed that music had healing properties. The great philosopher Plato observed that fast-paced music made people more excited and slow music helped them to feel calm. In ancient China the Taoist sage Lao Tzu recommended that people purify their spirits with music several times a day for optimal health. The ...

Self Care - Have We Been Getting It Wrong All Along?

There's no denying that holidays, spa breaks and bubble baths are enjoyable and relaxing. Personally, I find watching 30 to 45 mins of TV helps me to decompress and calm my nervous system after a day of social interactions. These are extremely tiring for my autistic brain.  But I've come to the conclusion that these activities aren't true self care. They're more about escaping, distracting or numbing your body and mind from whatever's bothering you.....a bit like changing the battery in the fire alarm after the blaze has started. Wouldn't being proactive be better? Like checking the fire alarm batteries regularly, having a fire blanket in the kitchen and minimising fire risks like dodgy electrics or flammable sofas. So what is true self care, and how can you bring some into your daily routine?

3x Ways Your Brain Can Sabotage Your Health & Cause Chronic Illness or Pain

Have you ever wondered why an illness or injury doesn't always get better with treatment or rest? Mainstream medicine is built around managing systems and symptoms - digestive system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, immune system etc. But that often leads to an endless cycle of: Symptoms -> pain / illness -> treatment -> feel better -> symptoms -> pain / illness -> treatment........on and on, over and over Sound familiar? Maybe you're already stuck in this cycle?


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