Do Anti-Inflammatories Lead To Chronic Pain?

A very common treatment for pain and injury is non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAID's), such as Ibuprofen, Naproxen and Diclofenac. These drugs are often prescribed as the first course of action by doctors.But could these drugs actually make you more likely to develop chronic pain?A 2022 study looked at the role of the immune system in the transition from acute to chronic lower back and jaw pain, and the use of anti-inflammatory medication. The results were startling: The normal acute ...

What's Best For Low Back Pain & Sciatica?

Low back pain and sciatica can be very frustrating and totally suck the enjoyment out of life. Usually pain will resolve over time, typically 10 to 12 weeks. But for some, the pain either doesn't go away or keeps flaring up. When pain persists for longer than 3 months, it's termed as "chronic". How to resolve chronic back pain and sciatica is always a hot topic of discussion. Will a recent study published in 2023 shed any new light on which treatment will work best for low back pain and ...

How To Improve Shoulder Mobility in Just 45 mins?

Would you like a blueprint to improve your body's mobility and comfort whilst moving and exercising? On Friday I taught two Stretch classes, around 28 people in total, and tested their shoulder range of motion at the beginning and end of each 45 mins class. EVERYONE improved their mobility, some even surprised themselves! After the morning class I worked with one member for another 10 mins. He's a tennis player and couldn't lift his arm above his shoulder. Even that was a struggle. After 10 ...

Do Weak Glutes Cause Knee or Back Pain?

Say your knee or lower back starts hurting and you, sensibly, see a physiotherapist. They do a bunch of tests and declare you have a 'weak' or 'lazy' Glute muscle. You're prescribed some Glute strengthening exercises and, hey presto, your pain disappears. Except that many people get re-injured or pick up another, different injury, and end up having their physiotherapist on speed dial. They may end up hopping from specialist to specialist, hoping for a solution but never finding it. So if ...

5x Injury Myths That Need To Be History

There are numerous movement, injury and pain myths out there that need to stay in 2023.Here are 5 common myths that definitely deserve to be made history:X Muscles that are 'tight' need to be stretched and muscles that are 'weak' should be strengthened TRUTH: 'Tight' and 'weak' are sensations, a signal from the muscle that it's doing something that it wasn't designed for. It may be compensating for another muscle, trying to provide stability or working harder than it should. Rather than trying ...

Why Do Muscles Feel Tight?

And what does 'tight' even mean? That the muscles are short? That they can't relax? And what you can do about it?When someone says a muscle or body part feels tight they're probably referring to one of these scenarios: They have a reduced range of motion Their range of motion is OK but it feels uncomfortable or that somethings pulling at the end range That muscle or body part isn't able to relax fully There's a non-specific, unpleasant feeling of discomfort but not enough to be ...

Orthotics - Yes or No?

Orthotics is a topic I'm asked about frequently. An orthotic is a device inserted into your shoe to support your foot and relieve pain. The question many people ask me is whether orthotics are a good idea or not. My answer......It depends! Pro's = Alters foot alignment and balance which may reduce pain and keep you movingCon's = Doesn't train the foot to stay balanced and stable without support. Consider this.... "The foot is made, it's formed by the way we use it". (Hubert Godart). Think about ...

The Jobs & Sports Most Likely To Injure You

In my experience there are 12 jobs and sports that carry a higher risk of picking up a long-term repetitive stress type injury.In no particular order, the 8 jobs are: Hairdresser Massage therapist Dental hygienist Dancer Group fitness instructor Equine groom Nurse Care worker The 4 sports are: Running Golf Tennis Horse riding What Injuries Are You Likely To Get Doing These Jobs & Sports? I've worked as an equine sports massage therapist, equine groom and, ...

5 Pain Treatments That Could Make Pain Worse

People looking for help with treating pain or an injury are often given this advice by health and fitness professionals: "You need to brace your core and make it stronger" "Stretch muscles that are tight or inflexible" "Strengthen weak muscles" "Take anti-inflammatories to settle the pain" "Avoid the movements that are causing you pain" These strategies often provide short relief but no long term resolution. Over time, symptoms often reappear or even get worse.Why don't these commonplace and ...

3 Common Myths About Back Pain Still Being Promoted

I've managed my own back pain since my pre-teens, and spent a decade helping others to recover from their back pain.These are 3 common myths about back pain I hear still being promoted by the health and fitness industry....and they're probably keeping you stuck in pain. You need to make your core stronger You've got weak glutes Your hamstrings are tight and pulling on your lower back These 3x myths are so pervasive that they're pretty much taken as gospel. Whole rehab programmes are built ...


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