Limited thinking leads to limited results.
Many members end up in my classes because they've been struggling to get over a persistent pain or recurring injury.
A big reason I see for this happening is trying to fix just the body part that's hurting or targeting a single muscle, say tight hamstrings or weak glutes.
It's not your fault. We're conditioned from childhood that when we have a problem we look for a solution or cure.
But it's this mindset that keeps you injured and in pain.
To get over pain and injury, THINK BIGGER!!!!!
Expand your focus away from where it's hurting and explore ALL of your body to notice patterns and habits. From this awareness comes the ability to change those that lead to tension and develop more helpful movements.
Let's look at how apply expanded thinking to 2 common and and stubborn injuries - knee and shoulder pain that may have been labelled as "wear and tear", osteoarthritis or "frozen" shoulder.
To clarify, we're talking about knee pain that's NOT from something like a ligament rupture, fall or accident. This might be a knee that hurts or swells with exercise, doesn't like certain movements like lunges, or just aches a lot.
You might get a diagnosis like PFP (Patellofemoral pain / Runner's Knee), ITBS (IT Band Syndrome), Baker's cyst, bursitis or osteoarthritis. These are generally 'wear and tear' or repetitive stress type injuries.
The usual treatments currently offered are anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers (analgesics), steroid injection, physiotherapy and keyhole orthopaedic surgery.
Very often, despite these interventions the pain persists or keeps coming back whenever you start to become more active - frustrating when it stops stops you doing your favourite class or sport.
How To Think Bigger To Get Over The Pain
All of these influence the angle of the thigh bone in the hip socket, and therefore how the bottom of the thigh bone (femur) meets and sits on top of the shin bone (tibia). The knee joint is the junction between the femur and tibia.
Then you can explore how your knees function:
Similar to knee pain, I'm talking about vague shoulder pain that may have been labelled as 'wear and tear', osteoarthritis, bursitis or good ol' "frozen shoulder".
Did you know that the average time it takes to recover from a shoulder injury is 3.5 years....and that's WITH treatment!
Current treatment options are similar to the knee - drugs, steroid injection, physiotherapy or surgery. Clearly, they're not that effective in reducing pain!
How To Think Bigger To Get Over The Pain
You might be thinking "Hang on! I've got shoulder pain, why on earth should I bother with my lower body?".
Your shoulder muscles generally attach to your ribs and spine. Your spine links onto your pelvis, hips and feet. Everything in the body is connected.
Then you can explore how your upper body functions:
In March a class member asked me about a chronic shoulder injury. Lifting the arm and rotating the shoulder caused pain, and her movement had become more and more limited. Because of this, she'd given up her favourite BodyPump (weight lifting) classes.
She was able to take part in my freestyle Body Conditioning class because we don't use barbells, and she could modify any exercises that triggered pain,
After one class she asked for help with her shoulder.
We chatted so I could better understand the issue - every injury is different so I like to dive into the circumstances of the pain, along with the person's life history and lifestyle. Whilst we were talking, I observed how she held her body - this gives me clues as to where she might be holding tension, and if she's stuck in one of the stress reflexes.
Then I made 3x tiny adjustments.....
3,2,1........"Bl**dy hell, I've been living with this for years!" As all the tension and pain melted away, her face just lit up!
2 months later the comfort and range of motion of her shoulder has significantly improved, so much so that she told me she's thinking of trying BodyPump again.
Understandably she's nervous after being in pain for so long. I've encouraged her to give it a go. Ask her body the question and see how it responds - if you don't ask the question, you'll never know the answer. Be prepared to modify...but I believe she's ready and that her body will pleasantly surprise her.
This is what success looks like to me - helping you to feel empowered to manage your body for yourself, confident and able to return to the classes, sport and activities you love.
Do you want the same results as this member, along with the 100's of other class participants and clients I've helped over a decade to get over pain and injury?
The Befriend Your Body Method for Pain Management & Relaxation
A monthly small group mindful movement class for pain management and relaxation, with the awesome bonuses of a sound bath meditation and a slot for1:1 coaching with a specific pain or injury before the class.
Click HERE for all the details, including how to book.
Other ways you can find help with managing chronic pain or an injury are:
You can connect with me through any of these channels: