Restorative Movement for Lower Back & Sciatic Pain Relief

How to find lasting relief from persistent lower back and sciatic pain with gentle movements that are kind on your body, without resorting to painful stretches or expensive tools.

Do any of these scenarios resonate with you?

  • You're frustrated at not getting the results you desire
  • You feel confused and desperate because you've tried different treatments with limited or temporary success and don't know what else to do next.
  • You feel sad at having to say no to your favourite activities because you're worried about pain

What would life look and feel like if you felt in control of your body again, and were able to get lasting relief from pain?

The good news is that you CAN change chronic pain and move with more ease.


The Befriend Your Body Method for pain relief and relaxation.

This is my signature 4 pillar framework to help you release persistent muscle tension, get relief from chronic pain and discover new ways of relaxing mind and body.

In a series of workshops I'll share little known tips and insights that'll forever alter how you think about your body and movement.

This workshop covers lower back and sciatic pain:

  • The root causes of lower back and sciatic pain - they're probably not what you've heard from doctors or medical websites!
  • Why you haven't been able to get the results you wanted, even if you've tried physiotherapy, osteopath, chiropractor, injections, acupuncture etc. 
  • Bust common health and fitness myths that are actually keeping you stuck in pain
  • How to dial down pain to move with more ease and finally find long-term relief.

Click HERE to reserve your place.


1.05pm - Arrive and meet the rest of the group

1.15pm - Introduction to the spine, common causes of pain, troubleshoot the main reasons why you get stuck in pain and how to resolve these issues to get lasting relief

1.45pm - Lower back and sciatic pain relief restorative movement practice 

2.45pm - The workshop finishes and we'll say our farewells until the next time

* These timings are a guide, and the workshop will move at a relaxed pace to suit the group. The exercises can be tailored for the group's needs and interests.

Chronic pain affects 34% of the UK population, according to a 2017 national survey. Almost 40% of people aged 45 to 54 years reported being in pain, with more women affected than men.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and affected 619 million people globally in 2020.

With these alarming statistics, finding solutions to chronic pain becomes a priority.

Physiotherapy, and other manual or soft tissue treatments, will improve pain but you're usually reliant on seeing your therapist for relief. Therapists are great at fixing injuries, but they rarely show you how to change your old movement habits and use your body in a new way that won't lead to re-injury and recurring pain. 

Fancy pain relief tools are often a quick fix shortcut, expensive and lose their effectiveness over time. Again the problem is that you're not really changing how your body and muscles behave, so any improvements tend to be temporary.

What if there was a way to get lasting relief from persistent muscle tension and chronic pain, without resorting to powerful medication, fancy pants tools or painful stretches?


The Befriend Your Body Method for pain relief and relaxation

I've helped 100's of class members and clients find relief from persistent pain and muscle tension in my classes at clubs and leisure centres. Everything that I've learned over a decade professionally, plus my own personal journey with childhood back and joint pain, has been gathered together into a 4 pillar system, The Befriend Your Body (BYB) Method for pain relief and relaxation. 

The BYB Method has helped many clients like Zoe to better understand the root triggers of their pain, and therefore feel control of their body again. When Zoe started coming to my class she was so afraid of losing her balance and falling that she was considering buying a mobility aid to help her walk. Now that idea is history!

I'm bringing all of my experience and skills into a new monthly series of workshops, where you can move your body safely, be part of a friendly, inclusive group, and get specific help with pain relief , injury recovery and movement, so you can get back in the driving seat of your body, like Zoe did.

You can read other members experiences of The BYB Method for pain relief and relaxation at the bottom of this page, as well as see feedback from other clients.

There are only 8 spaces in each workshop, to create a safe, intimate, inclusive group experience for all attendees.

Click HERE or on the BOOK NOW button at the bottom of the page to reserve your place.


If we haven't met yet, I'm Norma, the founder of Unicorn Health and Fitness, where movement magic happens!

As a Restorative Movement Coach, Yoga teacher and group exercise instructor, I've helped hundreds of class members and clients find solutions to persistent pain, recover from injury and return to the activities they love.

With over a decade of experience, my work has included teaching group fitness classes for clubs, running community classes and delivering therapeutic movement sessions for The Multiple Sclerosis Society and an NHS mental health hospital.

Overcoming my own chronic pain of 40 years to teach 30 fitness classes a week has given me a unique insight into the human body and movement, that I now use to help my members and clients reach their desired outcomes.

I'm the person who can help you to move free from pain even if you've tried other treatments with limited or temporary success. My approach is so different from what's currently being offered by other health and fitness professionals that my clients have called it "magic" or "witchcraft"!!!!


From previous workshops and events I've run:

What did you most enjoy about the event you attended?

"All of it. The location, accommodation and Yoga. Really well organised and executed". ~Rachel Hilton

"Great experience and and interesting" ~Jane C

"Well organised, variety of different new experiences, group numbers were perfect" ~ Mark Stacey and Caz

"Different exercises with an introduction to meditation etc that I have not done as detailed before. relaxing" ~ Olwyn

"The sound bath is always so wonderful I always want more!" ~ Andree

What did you most enjoy or find helpful about your experience working with Norma?

"Norma treats everyone as an individual and supports each persons goals. There is no one size fits all. Very inspirational". ~Sue Acaster

"Clear, friendly instructions with useful tips and interesting background details on exercises/posture etc..". ~Tracy F.

"My sleep pattern has definitely improved". ~Anne

"Fun, friendly, inclusive" ~Liz 

Retreats Past:

3 Modules

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You can also speak to the instructor BEFORE the class on the day.

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