The Befriend Your Body (BYB) Method Workshop Retreat

How To Reduce Persistent or Recurring Pain & Muscle Tension So You Can Move Easily and Confidently, Without Hard Stretches or Pricey Equipment.

Whatever your age, pain can suck the joy out of life, steal your confidence and make you feel tired ALL the time.

Do any of these scenarios resonate with you?

  • “I can’t do that right now. I need to be careful with my back”.
  • “I have to take painkillers every day, otherwise I can’t move or sleep”
  • “I need an option for this exercise, I can’t do them because my _XXX__ hurts too much”
  • “I’m spending a small fortune on osteopath treatments, but they only last a few days”.
  • “My physiotherapist has told me it’s wear and tear and I’ve just got to live with it”.

Rest assured it’s not just you.

I hear comments like this every week from members who come to my group fitness classes. They’ve practically given up and resigned themselves to living in pain, no longer able to do the activities they used to love.

And they’re not alone either…..


  • The global market size of Ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug commonly prescribed for pain relief, is projected to reach $687.77% by 2023 (Strait Research)
  • In the UK alone, 10 million people suffer from chronic pain every day (Strait Research)
  • The average waiting list for a GP referral to a pain clinic is 13 weeks, or longer if you need to see a specialist or consultant (The British Pain Society).

These figures tell you that a LOT of people are in pain every day and there isn’t much help medically for them, other than strong pharmaceutical drugs with damaging side effects.

The problem is that chronic pain is poorly understood by many fitness and health professionals. There are many popular myths still doing the rounds that are actually keeping people stuck in pain:

  • A stronger core will reduce your back pain
  • If a muscle feels tight you need to stretch it
  • If a muscle feels weak you need to strengthen it

There are many different solutions out there that promise to take your pain away for you. 

     - Pain relief tools

    - Stretching programmes

    - Supports, braces and orthotics 

    - Manual / soft tissue therapy (physio, osteopath, massage, chiropractor etc)

These solutions are often pricey, provide only temporary relief and sometimes just cause more pain!

Have you ever felt defeated by a stretch because you can’t even get into the starting position?!? 

This is where I come in, because I’m fed up of seeing people struggling to manage their pain because of all the misinformation and outdated myths still out there.

If we've not met yet......

  I’m Norma, (The Movement Unicorn), Group Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, Pilates and Yoga teacher.

  I’ve got over a decade of experience working full-time in the fitness industry. During this time I've studied with leading experts in pain science, movement, musculoskeletal injuries, trauma, and holistic health.

I’ve helped hundreds of people to recover from injury and pain through my group classes and 1:1 training.

  Other fitness professionals regularly ask me for advice with exercise modifications for their members with        injuries.

  My background is in science. My first ambition was to be a vet and I graduated with a BSc .Animal Science        degree course from Reading University. In my 30’s I trained in Animal Physical Therapy and Equine Sports          Massage. For over 3 years I treated a variety of horses and dogs, including competition and show animals as      well as pets and seniors.

  On a personal level I’ve been managing my own lower back and joint pain since the age of 10 years. I too         once believed that you couldn’t do anything to change persistent pain, blaming my job at the time (first                                                                                                working with horses, then sitting at a desk on a computer all day). 

Now I teach over 30 group fitness classes a week.

I get it, I’ve been there!

But I don’t want to simply take the pain away FOR you. This is what the pain-relief tools, medicines and other health professionals promise to do. If this were truly possible, you wouldn’t still be in pain. Instead what happens is that you become dependent on them.

I want to show you how you can manage pain for YOURSELF, so you don’t need to rely on other people, equipment or drugs. 

It’s not a fantasy world. You do have the power to change your life….like class member Zoe has.

When Zoe started coming to my classes she had agonising pain in her hips, pelvis and back, and was seriously considering using a walking stick.

How did Zoe manage to massively reduce her pain levels and feel more confident about her body?



A small group in-person experience for active women managing persistent or recurring pain and muscle tension.

The workshop retreat runs on Saturday and Sunday afternoon, (plus an optional 30 days 1:1 personal support coaching) to help you implement what you learn over the weekend into your daily routine. 

You’ll learn how to finally take control of your pain by working with your body’s natural instinct to heal itself, and dialling down the protective reflexes that are now keeping you stuck in pain.

Most pain relief tools and programmes simply focus on 1 contributing factor or target a single muscle. But this doesn’t take into account how complex chronic pain really is or that one muscle is very rarely the sole cause of pain or injury.

This is why The BYB Method has 4x pillars that address ALL the factors involved in persistent or recurring pain.

You’ll experience all 4 pillars of The BYB Method over the weekend, and how to apply them to resolve pain and muscle tension.

Here are the 4x pillars:

  Pillar 1 - BODY  

  Build stability and balance back into your body, and rediscover the joy of moving with ease and confidence again.

  You’ll feel empowered to take control of your pain, and understand how to work WITH your body for natural healing.

  • Learn and feel the 3x stress reflexes that can lead to tense, tight, painful muscles if you become stuck in them habitually
  • Understand the concept of Sensory Motor Amnesia (SMA) that can lead to a feeling of ‘weak muscles’ or ‘tight muscles’, and how to regain conscious control of these muscles
  • Explore where you hold tension in your body, and how to release it without the need for hard or uncomfortable stretches
  • Change muscle behaviour from guarding to relaxed by reprogramming your brain and nervous system’s response to pain and movement for long-term pain relief


   Pillar 2 - BREATH

   Harness the amazing natural power of breathing to reduce stress, worry and anxiety.

  • Learn and practise a simple breathing exercise that quickly shifts your brain waves from a state of high alertness to calm relaxation, helping you to sleep better and feel calmer
  • Release held tension and stress by moving your nervous system out of ‘fight or flight’ into ‘rest and digest' where healing naturally happens
  • Increase the resilience of your nervous system to cope with life’s stresses


   Pillar 3 - BE

   Unlock the power of the brain and nervous system to change how you think, move and behave, creating a different response and outcome to       pain.

  • Discover a simple, yet often overlooked mindset shift that will transform how you view your body and movement
  • Tune into the sensory “feeling” part of your brain and reconnect with your body’s sensations so you intuitively know when it’s safe to push on and when you need to take a break to avoid injury
  • Turn pain and fear into being confident about your body, no matter how it’s feeling, so you take back control of your life.

  Pillar 4 - BOND

  Bring your body back into a state of safety to release held patterns of tension that lead to muscle soreness, fatigue and eventually chronic      or recurring pain. 

  • Discover the healing benefits of group co-regulation to move the nervous system out of ‘fight or flight’ back to safety
  • Harness the power of a supportive community - we all feel pain differently but there is a shared empathy when you’ve lived with persistent or recurring pain. You’re NOT alone!
  • Troubleshoot pain relief solutions - we learn best from each other and from sharing our experiences.

Here’s what you can expect from the weekend with the Small Group option:


                                                                 DAY 2: MOVING WITH EASE AND CONFIDENCE

AND you also get this…..

  • Lifetime access to all the learning resources from the 6 week The BYB Method: A Roadmap to Reduce Pain & Move With Ease course. These include videos and images of joints and muscles to enhance your knowledge of how your body actually works and how injury can lead to stiffness and loss of mobility.
  • Bonus 1: Video tutorial of a simple standing exercise to restore stability to the sacroiliac joint and ease stubborn lower back pain
  • Bonus 2: Video tutorial of a safe, effective alternative to stretching that will quickly relax tense, tight calf muscles. A must-have if you’re a runner, cyclist or do high energy fitness classes with lunges, jumps etc.
  • 5% loyalty discount and automatic early bird access to ALL future events, including workshops and mind-body retreats. You’ll be the first to hear about any new events before they publicly launch.


You get everything from the Small Group option PLUS.....

  • Initial consultation 7 days before the live weekend
  • 30 days 1:1 personal coaching support with me to help you implement the exercises from the weekend and build your own home care routine.


  • You wake up in the morning feeling well rested and confident that your body will carry you through your day with ease.
  • You can enjoy your breakfast without having to take a bunch of painkillers that upset your tummy or make you feel drowsy.
  • You crack on with your day’s plans knowing that you have a tried and tested routine which will dial down stiffness and pain in less than 15 mins if you do get a flare up or twinge. No need to cancel last minute or tread cautiously, just in case you upset your body.
  • At the end of the day you have simple exercises that help you to destress, release tension and prepare for bed in 5 to 10 mins. 
  • You have the knowledge, skills and confidence to resolve muscle tension, stiffness and pain yourself, so you’re not at the mercy of how your body feels and you’re no longer dependent on pricey equipment or seeing a health professional to get relief.
  • Your sense of wellbeing stops being linked to how you’re feeling, and you can get on with living life on your terms.

That’s huge isn’t it?

Here’s a summary of everything you get when you join The BYB Method Workshop Retreat:


  • 8.5 hours live tuition + 2x sound bath experiences (Value £425)
  • Lifetime access to all the resources of The BYB Method: A Roadmap to Reduce Pain and Move with Ease 6 week course (Value £257)
  • Bonus 1: Video tutorial of a standing exercise to stabilise the spine and reduce lower back pain (Value £10)
  • Bonus 2: Video tutorial of a standing calf stretch exercise (Value £10)


Your Investment = £197 (Pay in full)

OR 2 payments of £99 

OR 3 payments of £66

Savings = £505


Everything from the Small Group option PLUS:

  • Initial consultation 7 days before the live weekend Value £50)
  • 30 days 1:1 personal coaching support with me (Value £200)


Your Investment = £297 (Pay in full)

OR 2 payments of £149

OR 3 payments of £99

Savings = £655



I bet you’ve got some questions! Let’s answer them….

1) When is the workshop retreat?

The in-person element of the workshop retreat runs on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th February, from 1pm to 5.15pm. 

2) Where is the workshop retreat being held?

Our venue for both days is Angmering Community Centre, Foxwood Avenue, Angmering BN16 4FU

3) What facilities does the venue have?

There is free car parking on site. The modern community centre has toilets and a fully equipped kitchen. Our bright meeting room is carpeted and heated.

4) Will I need to bring food and drink?

Light refreshments, tea and coffee will be provided. You may want to bring your own cold drink or water. Dietary requirements will be catered for as much as possible - a Dietary Requirements form will be sent to all attendees. If you have very specific needs or allergies you may prefer to bring your own food.

5) How does the 1:1 support work?

You get 30 days of 1:1 support which starts 7 days before the weekend and continues for 21 days after the event. This will help me to tailor the weekend to the group’s needs closely, and then I’ll help you to build your own home care routine that you know will be effective for your body.No more trying random exercises on YouTube or guessing what might or might not work.

6) What sort of help and support will I get?

We’ll be using a free app called Voxer. You can leave me voice messages any time. You can also upload videos from your phone camera if you want feedback on how you’re doing a particular exercise. It’s like having me on speed dial! If tech isn’t your thing don’t worry, we can run through how to use Voxer during the weekend - it’s very simple!

7) Will the movements and exercises work for me?

There are no cast iron 100& guarantees when it comes to how your body and nervous system will the exercises All the explorations we’ll be doing are natural movement patterns. Many we’re born with but lose in adulthood which leads to stiffness and pain over time. By restoring these childhood patterns we can return ease into our movements. The 1:1 support after the weekend will allow us to debrief and discuss which exercises provided the biggest impact in reducing pain. 

8) How quickly will I see results?

Many people will experience a breakthrough moment during the class, when a movement exploration unlocks their body and their muscles relax. After the weekend your results will depend on how much you practise the exercises yourself, As we’re re-programming the nervous system repetition is key to changing how your body responds to movement. The 1:1 support after the weekend will help you to implement what you’ve learned into your daily routine.

9) I’ve got a question that hasn’t been answered, how do I contact you?

You can email me on, send me a WhatsApp message to 07801 967361 or DM me via Facebook Messenger.

Here's a recap of everything that's included when you join The Befriend Your Body (BYB) Method weekend retreat:


  • 8.5 hours live tuition + 2x sound bath experiences (Value £425)
  • Lifetime access to all the resources of The BYB Method: A Roadmap to Reduce Pain and Move with Ease 6 week course (Value £257)
  • Bonus 1: Video tutorial of a standing exercise to stabilise the spine and reduce lower back pain (Value £10)
  • Bonus 2: Video tutorial of a standing calf stretch exercise (Value £10)


Your Investment = £197 (Pay in full)

OR 2 payments of £99 

OR 3 payments of £66

Savings = £505


Everything from the Small Group option PLUS:

  • Initial consultation 7 days before the live weekend Value £50)
  • 30 days 1:1 personal coaching support with me (Value £200)


Your Investment = £297 (Pay in full)

OR 2 payments of £149

OR 3 payments of £99

Savings = £655

Are you ready to get back in the driving seat and take control of your pain and body so you can live life without worrying about whether your body can cope?

Click on the Book Now button to reserve your place.

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Payment Options

 Small Group option: Single Payment (pay in full)
 £ 197.00 GBP
 Small Group option: 2 Payment Plan
 £ 99.00 GBP  ( then £99.00 GBP for 1 months )
 Small Group option:3 Payment Plan
 £ 66.00 GBP  ( then £66.00 GBP for 2 months )
 VIP Fast Track option: Single Payment (pay in full)
 £ 297.00 GBP
 VIP Fast Track option: 2 Payment Plan
 £ 149.00 GBP  ( then £149.00 GBP for 1 months )
 VIP Fast Track option: 3 Payment Plan
 £ 99.00 GBP  ( then £99.00 GBP for 2 months )

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Credit/Debit Card
No payment method needed.

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All bookings are non-refundable. If you cancel your place more than 48 hours before the event date you'll be offered a credit to book onto another retreat or event .  A space on another event can only be guaranteed if your cancelled booking is filled by someone else. Credit isn't available for cancellations made within 48 hours or less of the event date.

The event may not run if minimum numbers aren't met. If this happens you'll given a credit to book onto another retreat or event.

Payment plans must be completed in full. 

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