Blog You Can Reduce Pain Yourself - Yes, Really!

You Can Reduce Pain Yourself - Yes, Really!


Today I'm giving you the power to bring yourself out of pain.

We're conditioned to believe that we have to go to a doctor to feel better when we're sick, or to a soft tissue therapist (physio / osteopath / massage therapist) when we get injured.

And yes, there are definitely times when this is necessary.

But there's also something disempowering in this message - that you're powerless to help yourself and need someone else to save you.

I can absolutely tell you that you are NOT powerless. You're in fact very powerful, and your body is designed to heal itself given the right inputs and environment. 

What can this elephant tell us about what we believe to be true about health, injury and pain?

When a baby elephant is first captured it's tied to a tree with ropes and chains for several days until it stops struggling to break free. The baby elephant's spirit is broken once it realises that it's controlled by the ropes and chains.

When the elephant grows up it can easily use it's immense adult strength to break free of it's chains, but it doesn't. Instead it stands quietly, with it's programme of limitation telling it to yield to it's chains.

Our acquired human beliefs work in a similar way.

When we're young, we learn that when we're sick we have to go to a doctor in order to feel better. When we get injured we're advised to see a physiotherapist, osteopath or massage therapist to fix the injury and get out of pain.

These beliefs become programmed into our subconscious and change our perceptions of our body.

Because we believe that we need someone else to help us get better, we think we can't do anything to heal ourselves. We feel frightened, vulnerable and worried that we'll stay in pain.

Our physiology, behaviour and choices start to reflect this belief that we're helpless and fragile, so we end up stuck in pain, taking daily painkillers and changing our life to protect our damaged body.

If this isn't the outcome you would like for yourself there's good news.

You can absolutely learn how to take back control of your body and manage pain so it doesn't control how you live.

The first and biggest step on this journey is awareness. You're already more aware than most because you've subscribed to The Movement Chronicle and are taking the time to read this blog article. 

I hope you're now seeing your body, movement and pain in a different way to how you were programmed to by others around you and society,

I believe that everyone should have some knowledge of how the body actually creates movement, so they can feel more clearly what's happening in their body.

Even if you're not currently injured or in pain, being proactive is always more successful and less stressful than reacting once you have a problem.

Whenever I teach my Stretch and Pilates classes I'll always talk about anatomy and how it relates to movement, injury and pain. This often leads to those famous light bulb moments when it just 'clicks' for a participant as to why they feel pain during a particular movement. 

And boom! That's how they can now change these unhelpful patterns that were leading to pain and loss of mobility.

But knowledge isn't enough on it's own. It's the application of knowledge that leads to powerful changes, like being able to reduce pain for yourself and feel in control of your own body.

I created The Befriend Your Body (BYB) Method to help you understand how the body actually works to create movement, how pain and injury happen and what to do to dial down pain yourself at home.

The BYB Method makes it straight-forward to apply this knowledge by giving you a 4 pillar framework. These 4x pillars are literally a roadmap to finding your pain-free body.

The 4x pillars of The BYB Method are:

  1. Body
  2. Breath
  3. Be
  4. Bond

Are you ready to step into your power and lead your body out of pain?


  • Book into a Stretch, Yoga or Pilates class with me - these are a good introduction to The BYB Method: A Roadmap to Finding Your Pain-Free Body.
  • ** COMING SOON ** Free E-guide "How To Relieve Back Pain & Muscle Tension in Just 10 minutes a Day"
  • Attend a mind-body retreat - these are deeply relaxing, fun, social small group experiences typically held in various locations within easy reach of Worthing, West Sussex. The next retreats are "Rest & Reflect" half-day winter retreat on Sunday 3rd December (FULL) and "Sun & Moon" mini retreat on Sunday 17th December (4x spaces). Click HERE to read more about them,
  • Being planned for next year - weekend courses to learn the fundamentals of the BYB Method
  • Subscribe HERE to receive "The Movement Chronicle", a weekly e-newsletter delivering mobility and pain reduction tips directly into your inbox every Monday morning,

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