Blog What Lottery Winners Can Teach Us About Pain

What Lottery Winners Can Teach Us About Pain


I expect you've all heard stories about lottery winners who hit the jackpot BIG TIME, only to lose all of their prize winnings a few months later and end up back where they started,

There's a reason for this, and it's a massive part of the puzzle to finding long-lasting relief from persistent pain. Here it is:

It's not enough to want change. You need to actively create the change you desire.

What do I mean by this?

Lets think about those lucky people who win the lottery and win an insane amount of money. They become multi-millionaires literally overnight, which is fantastic!

But how many stories have you heard where they follow up these people 12 months later and a lot of them have managed to lose most or all of their prize winnings and are right back where they started?

Some have even given away their winnings to go back to their old life, because they can't get on with their new fortune.

Many of these people dreamed of being rich with all the trappings of wealth - big house, holiday homes, fancy cars and no financial worries.

Then their dream came true overnight, and suddenly they had everything that they wished for. 

It sounds amazing, so why do so many lottery winners who become rich overnight end up losing or giving away their wealth?

Why aren't they more careful or more grateful? They must be stupid or ridiculously frivolous.

It's actually not their fault! 

When change comes suddenly you're often not prepared for it. Your circumstances may have changed, but the core of you- your mindset, beliefs, thoughts, habits - haven't changed to accommodate your new good fortune. 

Therefore you don't feel aligned to this new reality, and you end up recalibrating back to what's familiar, which is your old lifestyle and wealth status., even if that's not rationally or consciously what you wanted to do or where you desire to be.

And you don't have the knowledge, skills or mindset to set about regaining your lost fortune. 

Now think about people who have built their own wealth, either through business enterprises, sporting achievements or creative talent. People like Sir Alan Sugar, Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce, Michael Jordan and Stephen Bartlett.

These people spent many years honing their craft, taking action and learning from their experiences along the way. 

Stephen Bartlett has said "I learned that if I was to have anything, it wasn’t going to be left for me under the Christmas tree, it was going to be a direct consequence of my own actions".

By taking action, trying something different and practicing it for a while, their mindset started to change in response to these new learning experiences.

They began to actively shift their circumstances from where they currently were to where they wanted to be, closer and closer.

As they became more and more successful in their fields they developed the skills and mindset to maintain their new elevated status.

How Can You Apply This To Getting Yourself Out of Pain?

You might be in pain, have a perennially stiff neck, achy back or sore knee, and wish you could just get out of this pain.

Mainstream advice might be to get physiotherapy, have a sports massage, acupuncture or do some stretches. 

That's all great, and you'll probably feel better after each treatment. 

But chances are that if you've been in pain for a while, that relief will be short-lived and those old aches and twinges return with a vengeance after a few days or weeks.

You'll probably keep repeating the same treatment, or maybe try a few different ones, but it's the same story each time - temporary relief, then back to the same aches, pains and stiffness.

Eventually you'll give up and justify that decision by telling yourself and others that "it's just old age", "I have to give up running because high impact isn't good for knees" or "I'm too old to do this activity any more".

It doesn't have to end this way.

Trying to get out of pain with treatments where you're not an active participant in the process is like trying to win the pain lottery.

You feel better, but you've got no idea what actually changed to reduce your pain or how to recreate that effect again, unless you go back for another treatment.

But when you actively change your pain yourself, you start to develop a deeper awareness and understanding of what's happening in your body that's creating the pain and, most importantly, how to dial down the tension behind the pain. 

This takes guidance in the beginning, followed by practice and repetition. The rewards are that you are actively creating your own pain-free body and you know how to repeat those steps any time the pain comes back, which it might if you've been hurting for a while.

That's what the ladies who are currently taking part in my new 6 week course, "The BYB Method: A Roadmap to Your Pain-Free Body" are finding out. We've just completed week 2, and there have already been positive changes to pain levels.

Just 7 days after the first class, results such as a big release of muscle tension from the neck and upper shoulders and left hip / sciatic pain disappearing, are being reported!

All of them are making new discoveries about how their bodies are currently moving, and which movements are leading to muscle tension in their body.

Once you develop this internal awareness without analysing or judging, it becomes possible to learn how to dial that muscle tension back down to zero, significantly reducing pain levels and improving mobility and movement.


  • Book into a Stretch, Yoga or Pilates class with me - these are a good introduction to The BYB Method
  • Attend a mind-body retreat - these are deeply relaxing, fun, social small group experiences typically held in various locations within easy reach of Worthing, West Sussex. The next retreats are "Rest & Reflect" half-day winter retreat on Sunday 3rd December (FULL) and "Sun & Moon" mini retreat on Sunday 17th December (5x spaces). Click HERE to read more about them,
  • Look out for new resources and workshops, coming soon to help you find your pain-free body
  • Subscribe HERE to receive "The Movement Chronicle", a weekly e-newsletter delivering mobility and pain reduction tips directly into your inbox every Monday morning,

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