One of the most controversial principles of chronic pain science is the notion that "it's all in your head."
Medical professional frequently dismiss patients with this phrase, so people understandably become defensive when they hear this.
And yet., not only is it true, it's actually good news!
If "it's in your head", you can teach your brain new patterns that will override the old, unhelpful ones and ultimately lead to efficient, functional and pain-free movements. This is called neuroplasticity, where new neural pathways can be created at any age.
I've been helping individuals manage chronic pain and improve athletic performance using nervous system repatterning for many years, but it wasn't until I found somatic movement education that I was able to make these changes stick long-term for both myself and my clients.
"Life changing!" is how my clients describe the benefits they've experienced using my signature framework, The Befriend Your Body Method, which harnesses the power of somatic movement education.
Read on to discover the intimate connection between pain and learning in the brain, and how this knowledge is key to getting lasting relief.....
Pain is an essential signal demanding our attention and alerting us to potential harm. However, the way the human brain processes pain makes it a complex experience influenced by both the body and mind.
There are 2 types of pain:
Pain is always a protective mechanism that can go astray if it becomes chronic and stops being an accurate indicator of danger. To understand why this might happen we need to see the path pain takes to the brain, and how it's processed when it arrives.
Pain begins with specialised nerve cells called nociceptors, which detect potentially harmful stimuli, such as heat, cold, pressure, and chemical signals from damaged cells (eg. inflammatory markers).
Once activated, nociceptors send electrical impulses to the spinal cord. Here these signals can be amplified or dampened by various neurotransmitters. Substance P is one neuropeptide that dials up pain signals in the spinal cord. Elevated levels of Substance P have been measured in several different chronic pain conditions, including fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and persistent back pain.
The pain impulses travel through the spinal cord to the brain, where it becomes a conscious, subjective experience.
In the brain, the pain signal is distributed to several different areas for further processing....
The main areas that are involved with processing pain are:
Let's take a closer look at the Limbic System:
Other points that are interesting about the Limbic System is the proximity of the:
Individuals managing chronic pain are more likely to have disrupted, poor quality sleep, altered movement patterns and reduced balance.
In addition to these key areas, other parts of the brain also play a part in processing pain:
Understanding how pain impulses are processed by so many different areas of the brain is key to finding ways to effectively turn these signals down,
A somatic movement practice fosters an environment that encourages active learning. Curiosity and concentration replace fear and worry.
As novel,, pain-free movement patterns are practiced and learned, different experiences are created, replacing old memories of fear avoidance and pain.
The amygdala shrinks, reducing emotions such as fear, anxiety and catastrophising, and promoting feelings of safety and calm. The nervous system shifts from from sympathetic, "fight or flight" mode into a parasympathetic state, where rest and healing can take place.
You stop anticipating or expecting pain as a consequence of moving. Instead of fixating on what's hurting your mind can concentrate on the task at hand or notice sensations without attaching a learned inner narrative or limiting belief.
How would it feel to be confident, safe and at peace with your body, like my clients do?
If you're ready to find lasting freedom from chronic pain and stiffness, a good place to start your journey is my Unlock Your Body breakthrough session
This is a one-off powerful 1:1 session where I'll help you understand the root triggers behind your persistent pain, and how to begin reversing them. This breakthrough session is ideal if you have a specific pain or injury that you're struggling to resolve, even if you've already tried other treatments with limited success.
We'll work together to find new ways of moving without pain. You'll leave with a deeper knowledge of what's driving pain in your body, and a clear action plan to gain lasting relief.
For some of my clients, a single session is enough to reset their body out of pain. For others, this is their first step to learning how to move their body without pain after months or years of struggling.
Apply HERE and I'll be in touch to arrange an initial complementary consultation to discuss whether an Unlock Your Body breakthrough session will be a good fit for you.
I also have other options for 1:1 coaching if you wish to dive deeper into moving without pain (your muscle tension probably didn't happen overnight, and it won't magically disappear on it's own!).
Other ways you can find help with managing pain or an injury are:
You can connect with me through any of these channels: